
Únete a nosotros

About the project

The Green Entrepreneurship project (abbreviated GreEn), which is implemented as part of the Erasmus+ Small-scale Partnership program, is the result of the cooperation of three organizations: 

Its main goal is to share the experience of partners in the field of developing women's professional competences, specifically in the management of sustainable business, and in the field of using modern technologies for marketing purposes.

The project is aimed at a target group of women who are interested in developing their entrepreneurial skills, no matter what part of the entrepreneurial process they are in (i.e. even if they are just thinking about starting a business). GreEn aims to create a hybrid (online/offline) educational course for this group.

The main topics discussed will be the consideration of ecological issues in business (e.g. reducing energy consumption, limiting waste production, the use of a circular economy or a greater focus on renewable and local resources) and at the same time promoting this issue in marketing strategies. The marketing component of the course is mainly devoted to the use of mobile applications. The course will have a modular form, so each participant can choose a focus that corresponds to her current needs and expectations.

In addition to the educational course, the project will also include an international group based on a social network. This will be used to share experiences, products, tips and tricks between project participants.

A motivational blog / e-book with 12 examples of good practice in the form of interviews with businesswomen will also be available to the participants.

The pilot run of the course will be attended by 30 women from the three countries that are collaborating on this project. 

Participation in the course is free :-)